Como Ball Scholarships

To apply for financial assistance for the Summer In-House program please complete the online registration form below.  

2025 Como Ball Scholarship Application >>


Como Ball Youth Baseball & Softball Association offers financial assistance to families who have financial limitations and want to participate in our youth baseball and softball programs. 

We are a community-first organization and have made it our mission to decrease the barriers for athletes to participate in sports, and this scholarship does just that by providing partial and full coverage of registration fees for youth athletes. 

Scholarship requests must be submitted to the Como Ball Board by March 15. 

Scholarships will be awarded by April 15. The scholarship committee, which includes representatives from the Como Ball Board of Directors, including the President, will consider all complete applications received by the application deadline. The amount of the scholarship awarded (if any) may be a partial or, in certain situations a full scholarship, depending on the number of applicants and the amount of scholarship funds available. If the number of scholarship applications submitted and approved exceeds the amount available, the scholarships will be awarded by a lottery system. 


  • Scholarships are available for YOUTH Baseball or Softball Players 15 & under 
  • Applications are due by MARCH 15.
  • Scholarship contribution can be awarded up to 100% of the team player fee with a maximum amount of $200 per player per season. 
  • Player must live or attend school within 5 miles of the Como Park neighborhood. 
  • Player must play on a Como Ball baseball or softball team. 
  • The Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the traveling team or association. 
  • An Award letter will be provided to each family awarded a Scholarship. 
  • Player must have good attendance for practices and games. If the player regularly misses practices and/or games or quits the team for any reason they would be ineligible for future scholarships. 
  • Scholarships are not for equipment. 
  • Recipients of the scholarship are required to volunteer a minimum of 2 hours at a Como Ball Association event. Volunteer hours could include working at a tournament, (additional to any required hours by the team), participating at a field work day, attending a community tabling event or fundraising events. Failure to volunteer could negatively affect future scholarship eligibility. 


Como Ball Youth Baseball and Softball Association will use the information on the application only to decide if your athlete qualifies to receive a scholarship for eligible programs. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Applicants are guaranteed that personal finances will not be discussed outside of the Como Ball Scholarship Committee. Head coaches, assistant coaches, or other volunteers will not be informed of a participant’s financial or scholarship status. 

***Please note: Approval of a scholarship does not register the participant in the program. You must still register the athlete in the program desired by the registration deadline.


The Como Ball Scholarship Fund exists to ensure every child can experience the joy of baseball and softball, regardless of financial circumstances. 

By covering registration costs for families in need, our scholarship fund helps break down barriers so that all youth can learn new skills, build friendships, and develop a lifelong love of the game. 

Support the scholarship fund today, and help us keep baseball and softball accessible to every aspiring athlete in our community.